Legal Aspects (Rights)

Certain data might be subject to legal rights, for example in the case of digital reproductions of art, of copyrighted documentation of artefacts, or of textual information such as biographies.

Rights management can be difficult to implement for an aggregator such as CHIN that does not claim authority over the contents its data model manages. CHIN has thus decided that, at least until the Objects Facet is launched in LOD, only rights-free and open data will be requested of providers. Therefore, at this stage, there is no need to assign specific rights statements to parts of the information provided by museums. Still, it will be possible to add a rights statement to the entire dataset in order to specify that the data is licensed under Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain).

🔎 To Be Discussed

CHIN is still trying to determine what would be the easiest and simplest way to handle rights in collaboration with providers. Is the open and copyright free limitation sufficient or is it too demanding of providers? What type of export would best suit the needs of institutions in the long term?

Creative Commons (Creative Commons 2020) and Rights Statements (Rights Statements 2020) have their own URIs that can be implemented.

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